Port Townsend, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Did you know that Port Townsend is the county seat of Jefferson County, Washington? If not, you may want to find out how many people live in the city. Its population was 9,983 at the 2010 census and it has a median age of 55.7, which is higher than the US average of 37.4. The city has a total area of 9.46 square miles, and its population density is 2.3 people per square mile.

The city is home to many Victorian-era buildings. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1976 and was designated a National Landmark in 1977. There are about a dozen large, well-preserved buildings in Port Townsend. These include the Carnegie Library, which was built in 1913, the Federal Building, which serves as the city's post office, and the Elks Lodge. Fort Worden, a state park, has some pre-World War I architecture that has been kept intact. It has been used for military purposes and the Olympic Youth Hostel, which closed in 2011. The Jefferson County Courthouse, with a 125-foot bell tower, is another Victorian-style building in the city.

In the Port Townsend City, WA census, the race of households was self-identified. The darker the shade, the greater the racial majority. The data also includes racial diversity scores. The green areas are more diverse than red ones, while the red ones are less diverse. Generally, the greater the diversity of the population, the lower the racial gap.