Anderson Island, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In 2010, the city of Anderson Island reported a population of 1,037 residents. Located on the waters of Lake Washington, this city has been a popular destination for retirees since the late 1960s. The median age of the population is 54 years old, making it a little older than the state's average, which is 37. Anderson Island's population is also a bit older than average, with 44 percent of the city's full-time residents being between 50 and 69 years old. Despite these statistics, however, many people want to return to Anderson Island.

One reason that island residents might choose to relocate to Anderson Island is the limited ferry service. Because ferry fares don't cover the cost of running the boats, the city's 381,970 taxpayers are subsidizing transit service to islanders. Fortunately, the Anderson Island Association has a monthly newsletter, and the News Tribune newspaper in Tacoma is available to subscribers. But if you want to know the truth about the island, consider visiting Anderson Island. You'll be surprised how much of a change the island has undergone in a short amount of time.

While Anderson Island is one of the most affordable cities in the United States, the low percentage of residents living in poverty is surprising considering the town's relatively small size. The median income for residents of the island is $10,417. While this number may seem high, it's far lower than the national average. However, Anderson Island is considered a small town, and different surveys show that the economic conditions are worse in small towns.