Woodberry Forest, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Woodberry Forest is a city located in Virginia, USA. The city has a population of around 11,000 people. This makes it one of the safest places to live in the state. The crime rate in the city is low compared to the national average, and the crime rate in the city is comparable to surrounding cities.

The population of Woodberry Forest is made up of 2,479 people of various races. Of these, 12.4% of residents are black, 2.5% are Asian, and 1.5% are Hispanic or Latino. The remainder are white, and 0.0% identify as American Indian or Alaska Native.

A city's quality depends on the number of people who have a high level of education. An educated city has more potential for economic development. However, it should be noted that a city's education level varies among men and women. This makes it important to look for a city's population breakdown based on gender.

In addition to the overall population, there are also economic and community data. These statistics are based on the United States Census Bureau's American Community Survey. This survey is updated annually and whenever new data is available. These figures are not guaranteed to be accurate or complete. Therefore, the information presented here should be used with caution.