Wolford, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When researching your target audience, you may want to know the population & steets of Wolford City, North Dakota. This city has a low unemployment rate, making it an affordable place to invest in advertising and marketing. The median household income in Wolford is $35,833. Most residents are homeowners, with 88% having graduated from high school. However, about 49% of residents did not complete college.

The town has a quaint little town atmosphere, and the Corregidor bar is a popular attraction. The popular "tomahawk" rib eye steaks are a specialty of the local restaurant. Nathan Johnson, the bar's owner, resides in Rolette. The current location of the bar was constructed in 1981, replacing a previous building. Regardless, Wolford's small-town atmosphere is what makes the Corregidor such a popular place.

The city has a population of 36 people, according to the 2010 census. There are 87 people per square mile in the town, which is below the national average. The city is growing slowly, with an estimated population of 32 by 2020. The city was formed in 1904, 117 years ago. However, it has not grown in size in that time. The current population is relatively small - a few hundred residents live in Wolford.

The Census Bureau cites instances of small towns in which people answer the census - and it's true. A majority of people in Wolford were born in the area, and most still live there. It is difficult to get 50 responses from fifty people, but census officials say that smaller towns are more likely to answer. So, what should the population of Wolford City look like? We'll have to wait and see.