Warm Springs, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You're probably wondering what the population & steets of Warm Springs City are. In fact, the town of Warm Springs has only 518 people, with a median household income of $32,279. However, you might be interested to learn more about the economics of the area before you settle in. Take a look at the table below to see what you're missing. Once you've figured out the population & steets of Warm Springs City, you'll have a better understanding of the city and its population.

The population and steets of Warm Springs City is not too far from the average for the state of Georgia. Its median income is $555/mo, a lower figure than that of nearby Thomaston and Pine Mountain. While Warm Springs is not considered a "rural" city, its population is diverse. There are plenty of historic attractions and a thriving downtown. The city was also visited by former president Franklin Roosevelt, who made it one of his top stops on his visit to the area.

The Census provides data on the number of renter-occupied housing units. The area code is first digit, which varies from zero for the far Northeast to nine for the far West. The second digit designates the postal zone, which is the first digit of the ZIP code. Listed below are the school and library addresses for Warm Springs. There are several other Warm Springs in the area, and each one has its own characteristics.