Ware Neck, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Ware Neck has a population of 43 people, divided between 22 males and 21 females. The median age of residents is 43, while the average age for both sexes is 48.5 years. The city has about 404 births per year and about 309 deaths per year. There are 42 single-family detached homes and two to five-unit apartment buildings, which comprise about 24% of the city's housing stock.

A school enrollment refers to the number of students who are currently enrolled in a school, including private and public schools. Knowing the number of students in a school will help you make better decisions about the environment for your children and how to prepare them for the job market. Ware Neck's enrollment figures include both school enrollment in nursery schools. Approximately 1,278 children attended nursery school in Ware Neck in 2014, while about thirteen thousand attended elementary school. Another 1,626 students attended college in Ware Neck.