Thaxton, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to live in the city of Thaxton, MS, you can find out more about the population and the steets by using the below table. You can also view the list of nearby cities. This will help you find places to eat, sights to see, and things to do. These statistics can be helpful for planning a trip to Thaxton. This is a map of the cities in the surrounding area.

Crime rate in Thaxton is 1.07 crimes per thousand population. Crime rate in northeast part is less than one in the rest of the city. But in west part of Thaxton, you can get 1 in 1,600 chances of getting violently harmed. However, this is not as intuitive as it seems. If you compare crime rate in different cities of the state, the map will look similar to the overall population map.

The population of Thaxton city is 695. Its median household income is $46,250. The poverty rate is 0.26%. The median price of a home in Thaxton is $131,900. The home appreciation rate in last 10 years is -0%. But don't be disappointed if you cannot find a house in Thaxton, Mississippi. Just make sure to check out the area's statistics before buying a house.