Shacklefords, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you planning a road trip and are wondering what cities are nearby Shacklefords? This article will help you find the cities near Shacklefords, VA. The list of nearby cities includes both big cities and smaller towns. There are many places to visit and things to do in the area, so explore these cities before planning your road trip. Here are some recommendations:

What are the average age in Shacklefords? According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the average age is 41 years. However, the percentage of women is higher than the percentage for men. If you're looking to live in Shacklefords City, you'll find it to be relatively affordable. For a full breakdown of population data, see the data on Shacklefords city's Facebook page.

The quality of life in a neighborhood is highly subjective. Some buyers prefer neighborhoods that are walkable, while others don't mind having to drive everywhere. If you're looking to purchase a home in Shacklefords, Virginia, be aware that many daily tasks require a car. For this reason, a city with a high walk score will be appealing to many buyers. Moreover, it may be better suited to people who don't want to commute all the time.

What's the median household income in Shacklefords City? The median household income in Shacklefords is $43,400. Compared to other cities in the area, the median household income is lower in this neighborhood than in most places. A city's average commute time is 34.6 minutes, while the national average is 26.4. You can use this information to find out where you live and learn more about the people living in the area.