Saxe, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The city of Saxe has an interesting demographic mix. About 40% of the residents were under the age of 18, while a further 8.3% were between the ages of 18 and 24. Married couples made up 56.9% of households, while a further 24.9% of households were non-families. There were also approximately 7.5% of senior citizens living alone. Males outnumbered females by a ratio of 97.6:1 for every 100 females (18+).

The ZIP Code for Saxe City, Virginia is 23967. The city's zip code has a default name. Rather than a street address, it is more useful to use the extended version of the code, or 5-plus-4. This is a more precise location because the last four digits designate a section of street or side of an apartment building. For example, ZIP Code 23967 can help you find a specific apartment or home.