Rural Retreat, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The USPS (United States Postal Service) uses the default name of a city as the ZIP code for its residents. While this may not be entirely accurate, it does give an idea of the city's population and demographics. The census data shows that approximately 61.1% of the residents are white, whereas 12.3% are black. The remaining percentages are Hispanic, Asian, Native Hawaiian, and other races. The census also gives details on the population by street. The street name is listed as well. The phone number is also provided.

The median age of the population in Rural Retreat is 40.4 years old, and the median household income is $52,955. While the city's crime rate is higher than that of neighboring cities, it is still lower than the national and state average. There is a wide range of crime rates in this area, and you may be pleasantly surprised to learn that most crimes occur in the retail sector.

Rural Retreat is located in the state of Virginia, in the United States. The population is less than 2,500 residents. It is an outlying town with an area of about 2.2 square miles (5.8 square kilometers). The area is completely rural, so it is not an urban area, and is considered a rural community.