Red Oak, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population of Red Oak City? It is a city in the state of Texas. Its population is about 4,500 people. You can learn more about this city by using our Texas census data comparison tool. We also have other statistics on population, such as the number of businesses, residents, and schools in Red Oak City. The demographics of Red Oak City are as follows:

The median age in Red Oak is 33.2. Its population is made up of a majority of citizens over the age of 18. Those who do not own their own home earn the least amount, owing to low homeownership rates. However, there are some residents of Red Oak who live in poverty. The average income in Red Oak, TX is around $80K per year. This compares favorably with the national average.

According to the 2010 Census, most Red Oak residents commuted for about 15 minutes one way to work. This is significantly longer than the state average of 27 minutes. Most residents of Red Oak commute by car, as public transportation is not widely used in this city. And even though walking is not as common as commuting by public transit is, it is becoming more popular. In Red Oak, the median home price is $269,500, and home appreciation is at 8.3% over the last decade.

In Red Oak, there are about 75% of married couples living together, which is above average for the metro area. In fact, Ovilla has the highest percentage of married couples with 98%. While Red Oak and Lancaster have similar average family sizes, Red Oak and Glenn Heights have different percentages of married couples. And it is not uncommon to find people who are single. So, what is the population of Red Oak City?