Raphine, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to find out more about the population and steets of Raphine City, Virginia, you can find this helpful information. You can easily get a general idea of the area by viewing the list of smaller towns and cities in the surrounding area. If you want to explore the surrounding area, you can check out the cities within 100 miles. This will help you plan your next trip to Raphine City, Virginia.

The population of Raphine City is approximately 2,236. There are 1,143 male residents and 1,093 female residents. The median age for the population is 38.5 years, and only 0.5% of the population is Hispanic. The median income of Raphine City is $47,808, and the average household income is $58,473. The high school graduation rate is 74%, and the college dropout rate is 49%.

The population of Raphine City is made up of both white and black residents. The white race is the largest minority, with approximately 30% of the population being white. The rest are black and Latino. The table below shows the population of Raphine City and its neighboring cities. The population is diverse in many aspects, but is not necessarily ethnically representative. You may not agree with the data presented here, so use it with caution.

The quality of life in a neighborhood depends on several factors. For example, some people prefer a walkable city, while others prefer a suburban setting. You should consider these factors when choosing a neighborhood for your home. A walkable city can offer great amenities, while a suburban setting may offer more convenience. In addition to a neighborhood's walkability, the local community and schools are also important.