Penn Laird, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Penn Laird, Virginia, United States is a city located in Virginia. The population of the city is 894. There are 137 males and 116 females. There are 860 births and 540 deaths every year. The city has a variety of race groups and ethnicities.

If you are planning to use a billboard in Penn Laird, you should consider the area's demographics and economic characteristics. The median housing value is $172,606, and the average household size is 2.76. The area has a population growth rate of 8.6%.

The median gross rent in Penn Laird City is N/A, which is below the statewide median of $1,202. The median yearly change in residential property values in Penn Laird is 0.06 percent per year, which is slightly higher than the US average of 0.13 percent. The median home value in Penn Laird is N/A, while the national average is $204,900.

The ZIP code for Penn Laird City is 22846. This code includes the city name, as well as the street, school, and museum. The area is about 5.7 miles southeast of Harrisonburg. Its post office was established on July 18, 1896.

Penn Laird's crime rate is below average compared to nearby cities. While some crime occurs in the retail area, the majority of crimes are committed in residential areas. Nevertheless, this does not mean the area is dangerous for residents.