Glade Spring, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are planning to visit Glade Springs, VA, you must know its population and steets. You should also know that it is part of Washington County. In fact, the population of Glade Spring is about 2,000 people. If you want to know more about the place, you can go through the information provided below. Population and steets in Glade Spring City are important for the residents and tourists alike.

Moreover, it's also important to know the cities near Glade Springs. A list of nearby cities will be useful to you when you're looking for flights and hotels. It will help you determine what cities and towns are within 69 miles of Glade Springs, WV. Besides, it will help you plan a road trip to explore the area. However, you must bear in mind that it is possible to find cheap flights from Glade Springs, WV to other nearby cities.

The crime rate in Glade Spring is low compared to other cities of the same size. The number of crimes per thousand people living in Glade Spring is around two. The city is in the 66th percentile when it comes to safety. This means that it is safer than 34% of cities in Virginia, but it is also safer than 66% of cities nationwide. If you're planning to move to Glade Spring, you should know that crime rate in this city is below the national average.