Glade Hill, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Did you know that Glade Hill City has a total population of 2,571 people? Of this, 644 are under the age of 20 years old and 219 are over. This means that there are more females than males living in this community. There are also 121 units of single-family attached housing in Glade Hill. The city is also home to many apartments, which range in size from two to fifty units.

The majority of people living in Glade Hill are employed. This includes white-collar jobs, service and manufacturing occupations, and agriculture, extraction, and maintenance. More than half of the population in Glade Hill is employed in the service industry. This figure is even higher when considering that the city has a relatively high percentage of college graduates. Also, a number of people are self-employed, including those with no degree at all.

If you're looking for more information, check out the tables below. The tables below provide vital statistics about Glade Hill, Virginia. If you're considering living in this city, you can find out about the city's school system. The Glade Spring Middle School and Northwood Middle School rank in the top eight schools in the metro area. There are also two C-rated public high schools in this district.

Crime rates are similar to other cities in Glade Hill. The city is relatively safe compared to other nearby towns. However, crime rates are often higher in high-traffic areas, like retail establishments. It's important to remember that crime happens everywhere - not just in urban areas. Therefore, crime rates in Glade Hill may look higher than they actually are. If you want to make sure you're safe in your home, check out the crime rates.