Front Royal, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you have any idea about the population and stetes of Front Royal City? You can find out from the following information. Front Royal City has a population of around 25,000. The median household income in the city is $34,786. The median household income for men is $32,373, and the median household income for women is $24,182. In 2017, the city's poverty rate was 10.0%, making it one of the poorest in Virginia.

The population of Front Royal is mostly white, with only 14.9% of the population being black. The remaining population is comprised of 1.0% of people of Asian descent. However, there is a significant minority population, with 7.5% of the population identifying as Hispanic. The city's unemployment rate is 7.2%, with 16.5% of the population working in the government. Population is not evenly distributed across the city, with one quarter living below the poverty line.