Clinchco, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The median property value in Clinchco is $54,000 and the homeownership rate is 53.4%. Almost 50% of Clinchco's residents commute to work alone. The median commute time in Clinchco is 36.8 minutes, and there are 283 people living in the city. The median age is 47 years. The median household size is 3.4 people. As far as diversity goes, Clinchco, VA ranks 7061 nationwide and 115 in the state.

There are many reasons for the decline in population in Clinchco. Some of these reasons are short term events while others are long term demographic trends. A low birth rate or a poor economy are two of the reasons why people move out of Clinchco. Lastly, low population growth leads to a drop in basic services. Therefore, it's vital to find a way to increase Clinchco's diversity.

In Clinchco, crime rates are much lower than in many other Rural communities, so if you're looking for a place to live without the stress of a violent crime, you're in luck. In fact, Clinchco is a very safe place to live compared to many other areas in Virginia. In addition, the education system here is ranked well on a national and statewide level. In addition, you'll find that Clinchco schools are more affordable than average, and many residents are very satisfied with their schools.