Cheriton, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're trying to find out the Population & Steets in Cherton City, NC, you've come to the right place. In this article, you'll learn everything you need to know about this city's history and current demographics. We'll discuss the eviction rate, zoning, and more. And we'll talk about the eviction rate in other nearby cities and towns as well.

The population and steets of Cheriton City, VA are quite similar to those of other US cities. The median household income in Cheriton, VA is $33,359, which is below the national average. The poverty rate is also lower than the national average, with only 1.2% of residents living below the state's poverty line. However, the percentage of renters in Cheriton is still above the state average of 14.9%.

The community is home to several businesses, including accounting services, a DMV office, and two farm stands. There's also a community center called Cheriton Playground, which features ADA swings and three slides. For the children, there are also two playgrounds in Cheriton, as well as a jungle gym. The local library, which hosts the Eastern Shore ComicCon, is located just outside of the town's town hall. There are also bike repair stations provided by the local government, including a free bicycle stand, a bike pump, and a set of tools. In addition to the bike repair station, there's also a Public-use Bike Repair Station outside the DMV office. This bike repair station is ADA compliant and is also equipped with tools.

The population of Cheriton City is composed of approximately 4,000 residents. Of these, 1,840 households had children under the age of 18. Married couples made up 44.3% of the population, and 14.9% had a female householder without a husband. There were also a few single-person households, and 34.4% of all households had seniors living alone. The average family size is 2.80 people.