Burke, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You might be curious about the Population & Steets in Burke, Virginia. In fact, you'll find many interesting facts about Burke if you take a look at its demographics. Whether you're interested in living in Burke or you're simply curious about what the area has to offer, there are many things to do in Burke. The school system in Burke is ranked highly - on average, students get an 89% test score. That's higher than the national average!

There are several indicators to evaluate the poverty rate of a city. The poverty rate measures the proportion of people living below the federal poverty level. A lower percentage means a more prosperous society. Burke's poverty rate is 13.5%. North Loup, Tabor, and South Dakota all have lower poverty rates than Burke, VA. The following is a breakdown of poverty by age group: females, 45-54, and 55-64.

The population of Burke City is estimated from the U.S. Census Bureau. This agency uses census block data to determine the changes in population. For example, if you live in Burke City, you can use this information to decide where to locate your business. Likewise, it is helpful for people who are visiting or traveling through the area. If you live in Burke, it's likely you'll want to check out the area before making a decision.

The city of Burke is a census-designated place in Fairfax County, Virginia. The city's population is expected to reach 42,810 in 2020, but is shrinking by just 0.00 percent annually. There are many things to consider when choosing a place to call home. Explore the Burke, Virginia livability score to find the best place to live. This metric takes into account the amenities, weather, employment, and housing costs of each neighborhood.