Hinesburg, Vermont Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to find out more about the city of Hinesburg, Vermont, you may be interested in knowing the Population & Steets in Hinisburg. This list is organized by the city's population and includes important information such as where it is located and how to get there. In addition to these facts, you can also use the list to explore the area around Hinesburg.

In the state of Vermont, Hinesburg is a small town with a population of around 4300. It is surrounded by active farms, providing country living without being too far away from major cities. With only a short drive to Burlington and Essex, you can reach Lake Champlain in under twenty minutes. This small city is actively pursuing revitalization. New home and commercial development has increased the housing stock and added a wide range of amenities.

The zip code for Hinesburg is 05461. It is located within the Burlington - Plattsburgh metropolitan area, with a small part in Addison County. The official USPS name for this city is HINESBURG, Vermont. The city is a part of the Chittenden Valley Uhsd #15 school district. It has two elementary schools and a high school.

The town is located along Vermont Route 116, a rural road that crosses the La Platte River. The road travels north 11 miles to South Burlington and south 17 miles to Bristol. The town also has a high school, Champlain Valley Union High School. If you're looking for a place to live, Hinesburg should be a good option. There are many things to do in Hinesburg.