East Ryegate, Vermont Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for population & steets statistics for East Ryegate, Rhode Island, you've come to the right place. Below you'll find vital information about this area. The population of East Ryegate is just as diverse as any other part of Rhode Island, and there are several factors to consider. You can check the number of evictions in the area by visiting the Census website.

There are 196 people living in Ryegate, and their median household income is $48,125. The city's poverty rate is 12%. The population of Ryegate is White (Non-Hispanic), Black or African American, and Native American. The median age of residents is 60.4, and the majority of households earn under $51,000. Nearly one-third of households live in poverty, and the percentage of people in this group is higher than the national average.

Violent crimes in East Ryegate are rare, with a rate of 1.90 per 1,000 residents in the standard year. The north part of East Ryegate is considered safest, with violent crimes being 1 in 515 in the central part of the city. This is not intuitive, but it can help to compare the two parts of the city. The city's population has fluctuated in recent years, and the average home price is $192,900. Home appreciation in East Ryegate over the past decade has been 2.7%.

In 2019, the median age of all residents in East Ryegate, MT was 60.4, with native-born citizens at 60.4, and foreign-born people at 61. This is a bit younger than the state average of 57. The city has a high percentage of military personnel who were stationed in Vietnam. A few other interesting facts about East Ryegate, MT are below.