Green River, Utah Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking to move to a smaller town and want to learn more about Green River City, you may be wondering what its population and steets look like. The following population and steets statistics will give you some insight. These statistics are from the U.S. Census Bureau. Population of Green River City is based on a 2016 estimate and may not reflect current population.

The median property value in Green River is $104,700, which is 0.435 times lower than the national average. The homeownership rate is 65%, which is higher than the national average. 65% of people in Green River are homeowners, and most commute to work by car. The median car ownership rate is two per household. Green River's steets are broken down by race. The following chart shows the breakdown of residents by race.

Households in Green River, UT pay an average of $800 in property taxes. Compared to the national average of 64.1%, the homeownership rate in Green River is higher than in neighboring geographies. As a result, households in Green River, UT have shorter commute times than those in the rest of the US. While there are many factors that contribute to a home's cost of living, there are also many benefits to owning a home in Green River.

Demographics in Green River City include the race of residents, age distribution, and number of houses per household. The population in Green River City is predominantly white, with a large percentage of middle-aged adults. The number of single and married people is lower than average, and there are a large number of children under the age of 18. Green River City is also home to several nursing homes. In addition to the demographics, there is a wealth of data to explore.