Wilson, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to find out more about the population and steets of Wilson City, NC, keep reading this article! It will give you the basics about this city, as well as what makes it unique from other cities. Read on to learn more! Also, keep an eye out for the many events happening in the city. Its history dates back to 1849, and it is home to one of the state's largest tobacco markets.

In 2012, the population of Wilson City was 49,610. This was an increase of 1.13% over the previous year. The population density was 1,710 people per square mile, and the percentage of homeownership was 49.5%. The racial makeup was 47.9% white, 42.9% African American, 0.3% Native American, and 0.02% Pacific Islander. Another 9.4% of the population was Hispanic or Latino of any race. The average household size was 2.47 people, with a family size of 3.06 people.

There are a few notable people associated with Wilson. American actor Miguel A. Nunez, Jr., a former Confederate soldier and political activist, was born in Wilson and raised by his grandparents. The town also produced Vance Page, who pitched for the Chicago Cubs for nine seasons. Page later went on to become a prominent lawyer, serving as the state's attorney general. Another prominent person from the area is Walt McKeel, a former professional baseball player and catcher for the Colorado Rockies.