White Settlement, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You might be wondering how many people live in White Settlement City, TX. To help you make the best decision for your needs, we have provided you with the Population & Steets data for the city. While the city does not have a large population, it has an average income of $38,736. This makes it a relatively affordable place to live. There are several big cities within an hour's drive of White Settlement, TX. These cities are the ones to consider when you're planning a road trip to the town.

As a result, you'll find that a majority of White Settlement, TX residents commute by car. However, this percentage is lower than the national average and lower than the rate for other nearby geographies. In fact, 1.76% of the workforce in White Settlement, TX commutes by car, which is faster than the national average. But if you're looking for a peaceful, secluded place to live, you'll love this historic town.

As far as demographic data is concerned, White Settlement, TX residents are generally younger than the average. In fact, the median age was 35.2 in 2019 - only 9% of White Settlement, TX residents are older than the state average. According to the latest census, the city is home to nearly 37,000 foreign-born residents, which is an improvement from the previous year's average of 36.