Westhoff, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Want to know how many people live in Westhoff City? Check out the Population & Steets in Westhoff City to find out. You may also want to see the distance from Westhoff to these cities so you can get a better sense of the population and how big these areas are. Once you know how many people live in Westhoff, TX, you can plan your trip accordingly. If you have limited time, you can always look up flights to the larger cities that are close to Westhoff, TX.

The population and steets in Westhoff City are relatively low compared to other American cities. It's the least-crowded neighborhood in the U.S. and boasts a high amount of open space. It's safe and serene, with hardly any traffic. There are a lot of reasons to be enamored with Westhoff, but its low population density, paired with the relatively undeveloped land makes it an ideal location for living.

The population of Westhoff city peaked at about 500 people in the mid-1920s. It's now 410 people. The population peaked at 500 people in the mid-1920s, but has remained constant since the 1960s. The Texas and New Orleans Railroad also operated in Westhoff until the 1950s. The town's population peaked around 500 in the 1920s, but decreased to 410 residents by the year 2000.