Weslaco, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering how many people live in Weslaco City, Texas, read on! We'll take a closer look at the city's population and steets. There are approximately 43,270 people living in Weslaco, and the city is growing at a fast rate. The median home value is $127,700, and home appreciation has averaged 4.2% over the past ten years.

Those living in Weslaco are relatively young and earn an average salary of $49,790. Nearly 40 percent of the population is Mexican. Many of these citizens come to Weslaco to vacation, shop, or live. These citizens bring a significant portion of the city's retail sales. As a result, Weslaco is a great place for families to live.

Weslaco's median age is just under thirty-one. The median age of non-citizens is also quite low - just over forty-one. This explains the low number of children per family and the median age of non-citizens at Weslaco. By comparison, Villa Verde has the highest median age at 73.2. These figures may seem conservative, but they provide some insight into the city's demographics.

The population of Weslaco is a mix of immigrants and native-born citizens. The city is home to over twenty-three percent of married couples, and its surrounding area is 41.5% larger than Weslaco. The percentage of non-citizen residents is thirty-five percent. There are approximately 17,000 immigrants living in Weslaco. Weslaco City has one of the lowest percentages of immigrants in Texas, but the population is still fairly diverse.