Vanderbilt, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information provides a general overview of the Population & Steets in Vandnerbilt City, Pennsylvania. In this article, we'll review demographics and the economic climate of Vanderbilt. We'll also discuss housing affordability, and how a high-income area might compare to other areas. Listed below are important points to consider when planning a local advertising campaign.

In Nashville, Tennessee, you will find the headquarters of the United Methodist Church and the Southern Baptist Convention. In Nashville, you'll also find the headquarters of the National Association of Free Will Baptists, Gideons International, and the Gospel Music Association. Another important organization is Thomas Nelson, the world's largest Bible producer. The city has a thriving arts scene and is home to several museums, such as the Frist Centre for the Visual Arts.

The median household income in Vanderbilt is $62,468. The percentage of Americans who earn a master's, professional, or doctorate degree is 21% lower than the national average. There are three different occupations for Vanderbilt residents. One-sixth of all workers work in the service industry, while 42% do blue-collar or white-collar jobs.

The population of Vanderbilt, MI is predominantly white. One-fifth of the population was under 18 years of age, while 11.8% was under 25. The rest of the population is composed of people between 25 and 64 years of age. There are also 14.9% of senior citizens who live alone. The average household size in Vanderbilt City is 2.44 people and one-fourth of all households is over three hundred.