Tulia, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are searching for the Population & Steets in Tularia City, OK, you have come to the right place. Listed below are the population and steets statistics for the city. Moreover, you will find the school's name, address, state, ZIP code, and other pertinent information. By submitting the information, you confirm your agreement with the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.

Violent crime per capita is 5.94 crimes per 1,000 residents. This may seem high when you visit the city, but you should consider that violent crime happens in areas with very few residents. The map below shows the crime rate for the city in comparison to other nearby cities. Crime rates are generally higher in the city's east and west sides. In contrast, crime rates are lower in the city's south and west ends.

In 1999, Tulia City was a place where four people were arrested in a drug sting. White was a longtime resident of the city and watched as his wife and four children were arrested. Later, the Texas governor pardoned the White family and cleared them of the charges. Despite this, the city is still scarred by the incident. If more people in Tulia City had the courage to take action and fight for their communities, the world would be a better place.

If you're moving to Tulia, TX, it's time to look into the neighborhood. There are good schools, daycares, and things to do, but don't forget to check out the available homes for sale first. Then, you'll have a better idea of the area's cost of living. That's why you should always check out the houses for sale in Tulia, TX before you move there.