Toyah, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for Population & Steets in Towah City? The population of Toyah, Texas is estimated at 142 people per square mile. That is lower than the state and national averages. In contrast, nearby cities such as Balmorhea and Pyote have higher population densities, both at 126 people per square mile. However, both of these cities are not quite as developed as Toyah.

Compared to other communities in Texas, Toyah has a lower poverty rate than the nation. The poverty rate for the area is 13.5% compared to the national average of 14.1%. That means that a large portion of Toyah's population lives below the poverty line. Toyah's median household income is $14583. This makes it a relatively affordable place to live. However, there are still some important aspects of the community that need to be considered when choosing a home in Toyah.

The percentage of foreign born citizens is 6.4% in Toyah, which is lower than the metro average. In fact, Toyah's foreign born population is less than half that of its closest neighbor Coyanosa CDP. Toyah is only a third of the size of Texas. Its population of foreign born residents is significantly lower than that of the average in the United States. For this reason, the population of foreign born residents is lower in Toyah than in surrounding cities.

While the town has long passed its prime, the area still has many interesting facts to learn. Originally a ranch trading center, Toyah was later expanded to include a post office and stage depot. Stagecoach services were added to the city in 1881, serving Fort Stockton and Fort Dawis. In 1900, the population in Toyah numbered seven hundred people. It had a school with fifty-five students and a number of hotels. It was one of the major cattle-shipping points on the railroad. By 1933, it had incorporated as a town.