Tioga, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in knowing more about the Population & Steets in Tiuga City? If so, read on to learn about the current statistics and how Tioga compares to its neighboring cities. As a part of Pennsylvania's census data, Tioga, PA has a total population of 715 residents, of which 17 are White (non-Hispanic), 13 are Hispanic, and two people are Two+. The average commute time is 25.5 minutes, and there are two cars per household.

Located in Williams County, North Dakota, Tioga City is a small community with a population of just 100 people. For more detailed information, you can visit the U.S. Census Bureau's website. Listed below are the latest population estimates for Tioga City. You can also explore other useful information about Tioga City from the Census Bureau website. The U.S. Census Bureau also provides detailed demographic data for towns and cities in Tioga County.

The history of Tioga is complex. It was settled in 1820 by Kenderton Smith, a lawyer and businessman. He served in the Pennsylvania Militia, which served a constructive purpose during the early 19th century. Once a railroad station was built in 1854, the neighborhood was renamed Tioga. Tioga is derived from the Iroquois word "tioga," which means "junction."

The unemployment rate in Tioga is 2.7%, based on the number of people older than 16 years old. The percentage of those who have graduated from college or university is lower, but still higher than average. Twenty-seven percent of households in Tioga are below the poverty line. You can also find people in Tioga, TX who speak Spanish, Korean, and other non-English languages. The child poverty rate is 32.4%, and there are nearly 21 percent of households that are renters.