Tell, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information provides a brief overview of the Population & Steets in Tell County, Indiana. This information is based on the 2010 census, and may not reflect current statistics. As of 2016, the population of Tell City was approximately 11,281 people. There are currently 4,743 households within the city. The median home value in Tell City is $87,663 and the average household size is 2.29 people. The median age in Tell County is 40.6, and there are approximately 0.96 females for every one male.

The population of Tell City is listed as over ten denominations. The town was originally known as Helvetia, which is an early Latin name for the area around Switzerland. It was the only name that was accepted by all languages. The Swiss still use this name for their homeland, so this name was chosen to honor the town's origin. The town's streets are also named after notable figures, such as Wolfgang Watt.

The neighborhood that has the highest concentration of manufacturing and laborers is Tell City North. This neighborhood is home to more people with Swiss or French ancestry than any other part of the city. Unlike other areas of the city, the people of Tell City North come from all walks of life. Many of them are residents of the neighborhood's quaint, picturesque streets. The city's history is rich and colorful, and the local population is proud to be a part of it.