Talpa, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for population and steets statistics in Talpa City, then you have come to the right place. This article will teach you the statistics of Talpa City, which you can use as a guide to living in the city. The crime rate in Talpa is higher than the national average, but it is lower than most cities. You can find out if the city is safe for your family by checking out the crime maps below.

The most common racial groups are white, black, and Asian. In Talpa, 97.5% of residents identify as white. If you identify as a multilingual person, you will most likely be able to speak English fluently. In addition, you can see the diversity score of each community. Greener areas are more diverse than red ones. This means that people of different races live close to one another.

The population and steets of Talpa are located in the area surrounding the town. In Talpa, you will find Pinus-pine, roble, Fraxinus-fresno, walnut, havillo, and capomo. The municipality also has a spring and a maple forest. This makes it a beautiful place to live in.

The population and steets of Talpa city are estimated at 252. The area has a median home price of $140,600. Homes in this city have appreciated by 5.3% in the last decade. If you are looking for information about this city, use the data on this page to get started. You can also look up the zip code by entering the address in your browser. In addition to the city, you can find out information about the state of the economy in Talpa.