Stamford, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in learning more about the demographics of Stamford City, you might want to look at the population & steets data in the Connecticut state data center. These estimates are based on trends and migration rates derived locally. Overall, Stamford's population is expected to grow more rapidly than most Connecticut cities in the next twenty years. It's predicted to reach 133,800 people by 2040 and strengthen its position as Connecticut's third largest city by adding an additional nine thousand people over existing conditions.

The city is easily accessible by car, subway, elevated, or walking. Interstate 95 serves as the main road through the city. The Merritt Parkway runs through the northern part of Stamford and is designated for passenger vehicles. Congestion is most likely to occur in the northbound or southbound lanes, and visibility is poor at night. Exits 33-35 lead to New Canaan.

The city was one of the most populous in Connecticut during its most prosperous years, with growth of its population approaching fifty percent. By 1910, one-third of Stamford's residents were foreign born. The city's black population expanded dramatically after the turn of the century. Many black laborers migrated to Stamford to work in its factories. The city became a cosmopolitan city characterized by a rich ethnic makeup and diverse neighborhoods.

Stamford's demographics have seen significant changes in recent years. While the white population remains the largest demographic group in the city, it's no longer the majority. It made up just 48 percent of the total population in 2010, and the South End and Downtown neighborhoods saw the biggest changes in population. In addition, the South End experienced a significant increase in white residents, while Glenbrook and Cove-East Side both experienced slight declines.