Spurger, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the current population and steets of the city of Spurger, Texas. These numbers show the diversity of this city, Texas. The majority of Spurger's population are white, with only 1% being black. However, there are some minorities, including Asians and Hispanics. This city's employment statistics are also fairly diverse. In addition to its low unemployment rate, Spurger is home to a high percentage of homeowners and a relatively low amount of unemployed people.

When it comes to crime, Spurger is not necessarily a safe city. The violent crime rate is higher in the center of the city, compared to the southwest. The violent crime rate is also higher in the southeast part of the city, compared to the west and east. It's not intuitive that crime rates are higher in these neighborhoods, but it doesn't necessarily mean that Spurger residents are less safe there.

The median family size in Spurger is 3.9. This is much higher than the national average of 4.6. The average family is headed by a married couple, with 76.7% of households in the city being headed by a married couple. A married couple, however, is more likely to be in a spurger household than a single person. Whether you're a single person or a couple, Spurger has something for you. The city's population is growing rapidly and has a strong demand for housing.