Seabrook, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When comparing population density, Seabrook ranks in the middle of the local area. It has a density of 3,789 residents per square mile, which is in line with other nearby cities. The next highest density is in Clear Lake Shores, where the population density is 4,398. But if you are interested in knowing how old the people in Seabrook are, you should know that the median age is higher in neighboring Clear Lake Shores than in the city of Seabrook.

In Seabrook, TX, the most common racial groups are White, Hispanic, and Black. The median property value is $250,200, which is higher than the national average of $240,500. Compared to the national average of $240,500, the median property value in Seabrook, TX increased by 7.57% from two years ago. The homeownership rate is at 55.9% and the average commute time is 23.7 minutes. The most common occupations in Seabrook, TX are Management Occupations, Sales & Related Occupations, and Office & Administrative Support Occupations.

As the population of Seabrook City has increased, so has the town's economy. Most of its residents work in various professional fields, including those with ties to the oil and chemical industries, as well as the NASA space program. Despite its growing population, the city maintains a stable and temperate oceanic humid subtropical climate with relatively consistent rainfall throughout the year, with heavier amounts during the warmer months.