Savoy, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You can learn more about the history of Savoy City by looking at its population and statistics. The population of Savoy grew from 343 in 1900 to 400 by 1915. However, the number of people in Savoy decreased to 378 by the mid-1920s. Before World War I, Savoy was home to 27 businesses. By the time the war ended, only 13 of these remained. The city grew again, increasing in population to 493 by the mid-1960s. By the mid-1970s, the population had increased to 783 and then declined to 864 in 2000.

The skyscrapers of Savoy City are famous worldwide. Many tourists visit this city to visit the Aquitanii Museum, which is located in the Prussian Bay. Savoy is home to the Golden Towers, which are 780 stories high. The city has a wealth of museums, art galleries, and shops. It also has a thriving nightlife. Savoy is recognized as an Alpha City worldwide, and the skyscrapers of Savoy have a prestigious Central Skyline.

The city began as a Sevintrian citadel. Originally called Slavoya Citadel, the citadel was a military center for the Sevintrian Imperium. Soldiers' families began a town outside the citadel. It grew quickly, becoming an important checkpoint for the Sevintrian colonial teritories. By the end of the Occupation, the population had increased to 300,000.