Sanger, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A brief overview of the Population & Steets in Sangger City, CA is available below. This city is located in Central California along State Route 99. The most pleasant months to live in Sanger include October, May, and April. July is the least pleasant month. Listed below are some interesting facts about Sanger. This mid-sized city is a good place to live, and has an excellent school district.

The population of Sanger, California is 24,741. This means there are almost 4,280 people per square mile, which is higher than the national average. Sanger is 71% white, which makes it less diverse than other California cities. Nearly 60% of the population speaks Spanish. The median age is below the California average, but the city has a lower crime rate than the rest of the state. Nonetheless, Sanger is still affordable and is well connected to its jobs.

The city has a large population of white residents, but there are some ethnic groups represented as well. The number of young adults is disproportionately large. Single parents are also prominent, but there are fewer than average numbers of seniors in the city. Despite the small number of seniors, Sanger has a large percentage of children. Although there aren't many vacancies in Sanger, CA, the population is still healthy. Several nursing homes are located nearby.