Round Mtn, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You've probably heard of Round Mountain. But do you know how many people live there? There are only 160 people living in the city. This is up from 155 in the 2010 census. Round Mountain is located in Blanco County, Texas. The median age of the citizens is 58, and the population is mainly white. The area has a lower foreign-born population percentage and fewer college students.

A lot of people have heard about this little town on the west side of California. And it has several attractions. Longhorn Downs is within the city limits. Other things worth checking out are the restored log house of Joseph Bird, which is now on the National Register of Historic Places. Round Mountain also features the restored Methodist Church. It was built in 1876. The Methodist church is also an old structure.

The crime rate in Round Mountain varies depending on where you live. In the north, crime is one in every 58 people, while the crime rate in the south is one in every 63. This is a very large discrepancy between north and south Round Mountain, but it is not surprising if crime rates are higher in the north than in the south. After all, crime occurs where people congregate.