Refugio, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following table lists the population and steets of Refugio City, TX. This data is useful for those who want to travel around the area and get a feel for the community. You can also use this data to find out how many miles from Refugio City a particular city is. We've compiled these lists from different sources to help you make your travel plans.

The median household income in Refugio is $52,929, which is less than the national average of $65,712. Refugio has a lower than average share of people living below the poverty line compared to its parent and neighboring geographies. The percentage of residents who fall below the poverty line is based on family composition and size of household. Those living in poverty are considered to have low educational attainment and low household income.

Refugio County is located on the lower Gulf Coast. The area was originally a municipality in Mexico, and was eventually classified as a county in 1837. Its total area is 818 square miles, or 2,120 square kilometers. The county seat of Refugio is Our Lady of Refuge Catholic Church, and the town is rich in history. There's also an excellent museum that tells the history of the area.

Refugio was a vibrant community in the 1920s. The city's oil production had brought prosperity and modernization to the area. The town had 115 businesses and 4,944 residents in the late 1920s. It had 140 businesses and 5,000 residents by the year 1950. The oil industry helped finance the modernization process, and the city also invested in a large school construction program.