Progreso, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know about the population and steets of Progreso City, Texas, you should know its zip code and address. You can also find out the school's contact details and enrolment data. These statistics are updated regularly, so you can find out which school is the best in the city. Listed below are some important facts about the city. They are tagged to residential addresses, so you can find them easily.

In 2019, the population of Progreso, TX was 5.91k. This was about the same as in the previous year. The median household income was $52,500, and the homeownership rate was 82.2%. Most residents of Progreso, TX were born in the U.S. and speak English as their first language. The median car ownership rate in Progreso, TX is two cars per household.

The median household income in Progreso, TX is $52,500, which is less than the average of $65,712 for the whole United States. The median per capita income in Progreso is $4,786, which is slightly higher than the national average. The top three industries in Progreso, TX pay the most in this area. The highest paying industry is Transportation & Warehousing, with a median income of $127,772.