Priddy, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Priddy is approximately 222 people and 46 households. There are approximately 46 residents per square mile and the median home value is $80,000. The average household size is two people. According to census data, Priddy is projected to decrease by -0.8% over the next five years. The racial makeup of the city is about 50% white people and 50.1% are Hispanic. It is estimated that 28% of the residents have a master's degree.

Using the information above, you can determine whether Priddy, TX is an ideal location for your business. The population and steets of nearby cities can provide you with vital information for finding out about Priddy, TX. You may also be interested in learning more about the area surrounding your business. To learn more about the surrounding area, search for cities within four hours' drive of Priddy, TX.

The ZIP code for Priddy City is 76870. Its population is 294 people, with a growth rate of 18.3% since 2020. The median home value is $479,100. There are 1 public schools in Priddy, including a private school. If you're interested in learning more about Priddy, Texas, then consider taking a few minutes to read this article.