Port Isabel, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information provides statistics on the Population & Steets in Port-Isabel City, Texas. The most recent data is from 2019. The percentage of residents that drive alone to work is 95.7%. Only 1.5 percent of residents use public transportation. The chart shows how many households use each mode of transportation over time. The data is based on a logarithmic scale on the y-axis, which helps to highlight differences in smaller means of transportation. The chart also displays how many people in Port Isabel own cars, with the majority of households owning one or two vehicles.

The population of Port Isabel, Texas is comprised of 6.02k people. This number includes 2.91k people of white race. There are also 70 residents of Asian race. Approximately 81% of the city's residents are Hispanic. In addition to this, there are seven races represented among the residents. In addition, the city has an estimated 1% of American Indian population. However, these statistics are not complete.

Another way to compare Port Isabel's crime rate is to look at its neighborhoods. The southeast of the city is considered to be the safest, while the northwest contains the highest concentration of violent crime. A person who lives in the northwest is more likely to experience violent crime than someone living in the southeast. Nonetheless, crime happens where people are, so it makes sense to look at the overall picture as well.