Pollok, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following demographic information is gathered from the 2020 American Community Survey. These statistics are updated yearly as new data becomes available. You can also see the population and steets in Pollok City by zip code. Please note that these demographics are for Pollok City, not the entire state of Louisiana. They are meant to give you a general overview of the community. For more specific information, you can view the full Census profile of the city of Pollok.

The Pollok peripheral scheme was one of four major housing schemes built outside of Glasgow. It contained over nine thousand houses for less than fifty thousand people. The plan was to have a density of 12 houses per acre and 65 people per acre. Pollok City's peripheral housing scheme was part of a post-war initiative to provide more housing for those in the area. The plan also included a satellite township called Drumchapel. The housing scheme was intended to provide communal services for the residents.