Pleasanton, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are curious to know the Population & Steets in Pleasanto City, California, you're not alone. You can find out what other people think about Pleasanton by using a census map. For example, you can find out how many people live in Pleasanton and how many commute by car to work. If you'd like to know what percentage of residents commute by car, you'll want to look at the data from the US Census Bureau.

The Census Bureau uses money income thresholds to determine how many people live below the poverty line in Pleasanton. Depending on your age, race, or gender, there are different amounts of income that constitute poverty. Families that make less than these limits are considered impoverished. A quarter of Pleasanton City's population lives below the poverty line. The most common racial and ethnic groups living in Pleasanton are white, Hispanic, and Asian.

There are currently seven candidates vying for two at-large seats on the city council, with an extremely diverse group of candidates. The mayoral race will feature a mayor's chair and two council seats, with seven candidates vying for four-year council terms. Additionally, there are two at-large regular council seats, with both candidates bringing a wealth of experience to the table. The mayoral race will feature a mix of well-known local figures as well as fresh faces running for the first time.

In January and February of this year, Pleasanton police started working with the city's unhoused community. By the end of the month, 20 people had found housing. The city has about 70 people on its streets at any given time. The unhoused population is growing by about 40 percent since the last census. If you're looking for a place to live, Pleasanton is a great place to start.