Penwell, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking to know more about the population and steets in Penwell City, Texas, you are in the right place. This article will provide you with a quick summary of the city's history and demographics. Once you know a bit more about Penwell, you will be better prepared to move to this city and begin making new friends. Once you have relocated to Penwell, you may want to learn more about the history of the town.

In 1980, the population of Penwell was 75. The town included a service station, beer store, barbershop, and two hotels. There was also a newspaper, the Penwell News. Penwell's economy depended on oil drilling, which sucked the population out of town. Eventually, the town's economy began to slow down, and it was replaced by other oil towns.

The population of Penwell is categorized by race and ethnicity. The city has fewer than ten people from outside the country. Its median house value is below the state average. It has significantly lower percentages of foreign-born residents and black race residents. The median house age is significantly lower than the state average. The city has a higher percentage of institutionalized residents. The median house value is significantly below the state average, and the median age of homes is lower than the state average.