Pecan Gap, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Whether you're a Pecan Gap resident or just curious, here are some statistics about the population and steets of this Texas city. As of 2016, Pecan Gap has a population of 2,045 people. The city's population is composed of all race types, including Asian, White, Native, and Hispanic. For more detailed information, please see the city's Demographics page.

As of the 2010 census, the population of Pecan Gap, Texas was 181 people. Of that number, 100% of the population is U.S. citizens. Pecan Gap has an average property value of $76,000 and 87.7% of the population lives in single-family homes. Approximately 77 percent of residents in Pecan Gap drive alone to work. The average commute time was 24.8 minutes.

The city is located in Delta County and is sometimes called "The Gap" by locals. The population of Pecan Gap is estimated at 178 as of the 2020 census. The city is named for a gap that was created by two pecan trees that were felled by a tornado in 1963. Pecan Gap is located at Farm to Market Roads 64 and 128.

In 1910, the population of Pecan Gap City was six hundred. Twenty percent of households included children, six percent of households had adults, and forty-eight percent were married. The city had a median age of forty-one years and a percentage of seniors living alone was twenty-four percent. The median age of residents was 41, and males outnumbered females by a ratio of 99.1.