Pattison, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The most recent census data on Pattison City, Kansas, revealed a diverse population. In 2015, there were 166 households with children under the age of 18 living in them. While 62.7% of households were married couples, 12.0% had a female householder without her husband present. Another twenty-seven percent of households were made up of single individuals, and 9.6% of the population was over the age of 65. The median age of residents in Pattison City was 40 years, and the percentage of males versus females was 87.8 to 1.

The population of Pattison City is around one hundred fifty thousand. About half of the residents are Hispanic, nearly 30 percent are African-American, and over 10% are Arab American. The city has a high percentage of Hispanics and other ethnic groups, making it a diverse community. Regardless of the ethnicity of the population, residents have equal opportunity for employment, and are well-off financially.