Pantego, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in the demographics of the city of Pantego, TX, you can find out more information in this article. There are several statistics about the population of this Texas city that are useful when comparing to the rest of the country. For example, you can check out how many non-citizens live in the city, or see if the median age is higher or lower than the national average.

The population of Pantego, TX is made up of approximately 2.66k people, with 1.99k Whites, 199 Hispanics, and 132 Asians. This makes the city the second-most ethnically diverse city in Texas. If you're looking for a place to call home, look no further than Pantego. The city is home to a small, but growing population.

Pantego is a Type A General Law Municipality in Tarrant County, Texas. The population of Pantego, Texas, is 2,394 as of the 2010 census. The city is surrounded by the cities of Arlington, Dalworthington Gardens, and West Park Row. The city has an estimated population of 2,496 by 2020. It's a part of the DFW metroplex, which is comprised of several counties.

The town's history goes back further than its recent past. In 1542, the De Soto Expedition camped at the Village Creek. In the 1840s, European settlers began to settle the area. A trading post was set up at Marrow Bone Springs, which attracted farmers and other agricultural businesses to the region. By the late nineteenth century, several agricultural businesses were established. This town's history, culture, and economy have made it one of the most unique in the state.