Palo Pinto, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Palo Pinto City is estimated at 69,568 people. This estimate includes people living in single-family homes, multi-family dwellings, and mobile homes. The figures also include people who are not citizens of the United States. These non-citizens include legal permanent residents, international students, temporary workers, and humanitarian migrants. The city is also home to about 4,000 foreign-born residents.

Founded in 1880, Palo Pinto was bypassed by the Texas and Pacific Railway but remained a thriving city. The town retained a few businesses and a courthouse built in 1940. The county courthouse is located along US 180 in the center of town. The population peaked at 550 in 1947, but has remained constant since. There are a total of four businesses in Palo Pinto.

In 1856, the Palo Pinto county was formally organized. The community was located 5 miles from the center of the county. The county court first discussed plans to establish a county seat in Palo Pinto during the late 1850s. The town was then known as Golconda and later was renamed Palo Pinto by the Texas state legislature. However, the first post office was established in 1858.

As far as travel is concerned, there are many cities within 59 miles of Palo Pinto City, TX. These cities are useful for booking flights and road trips. The big cities are usually close to each other and can be easily reached by car. The smaller towns are also useful for obtaining a map of the area. However, if you're traveling long distances, it's best to look for flights to larger cities nearby.