Nome, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article will give you a quick overview of the population and steets of Nome City. To get started, click on the icons below. Then, choose a place within Nome. For more information, click on the icon for more detailed information. You will see more details on the age range, race and ethnicity of the population in Nome. You can also learn more about education in Nome, including the public school system.

The median age of residents in Nome, AK, is 31.5 years old. These numbers include both native-born residents and people who were born in other countries. While the average age of people in Nome is 31, those who were born abroad had an average age of about 43. The three most common countries of birth among foreign-born Nome residents were the Philippines, Mexico and Korea. These countries make up the largest percentage of the community's population.

Nome has a large, ethnically diverse population. The majority of residents are Native American, although there are others of other racial groups as well. In addition to Native American, English and Norwegian, there are also important ancestries in the city. English is the most widely spoken language in Nome. Native American languages like Inuit and Dene are also spoken. If you're curious about the ethnic makeup of Nome, you'll want to check out the city's demographic information.

Nome, AK's population is a mix of young and old residents. Those under 18 make up 31.9% of the population, while those between 25 and 44 are 8.0% and 21.7%, respectively. Interestingly, the number of adults over 65 is lower than in neighboring Port Lions and Koloa, which are more than twice as large. Nome has 54.2% of the population residing in rental housing.